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 ERC Lighting Conversion Program

(“LCP”) Executive Summary


  1. The ERC LCP allows any non-residential lighting user in the USA to convert to LED lighting today. 

  2. The ERC pays for all net pre-conversion and conversion costs of an LCP. 

  3. The ERC offers a Standard LCP with a guarantee that the Participant’s total cost of lighting for the measures converted will be reduced by a Lighting Cost Reduction Rate (“LCRR”) of at least 20% in the first month post-conversion, rising at a constant annual rate to at least 60% over the life of the ERC Products. 

  4. For the Standard LCP, all data collection, analysis and decisions can be handled by the ERC and the conversion plan includes the most efficient conversion choices available. The product to be installed shall meet industry photometric and thermal quality standards issued by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), Design Lights Consortium (DLC), Energy Star, or similar authority. Installation contractors will be properly licensed and suitably experienced. 

  5. When requested to do so by an Applicant, the ERC will also offer a Modified LCP using reasonable Applicant-supplied data, products, and/or contractors chosen by the Applicant. For any Modified LCP, any marginal increase in cost, including reduction in benefit, compared to the Standard LCP may be offset by reducing the LCRRs below the minimums for a Standard LCP. 

  6. The Participant may terminate any installed phase of an LCP with a one-year notice after a one-year Review Period (extended for Modified LCPs until the added cost of modifications have been offset), and may terminate any pre-installation phase with a six-month notice. 

  7. The ERC may terminate an LCP with one-year notice any time after four years from the date of installation, or sooner if the Participant defaults on its payment obligations or if the Participant reduces by more than 20% the amount of time the ERC Products are used in a given month. 

  8. At termination, the Participant may return the ERC Products or purchase them for a price declining on a straight-line basis from the initial project cost to zero at the end of useful life. 

  9. Once the application has been executed, the ERC commits to rapid implementation of the LCP. Although time frames are shorter for small projects and are longer for large projects, typically: a. Within one month, the ERC will prepare an analysis of the existing lighting system and install evaluation samples for the first phase of the conversion. 

    1. Within two months, the ERC will present a Preliminary Conversion Plan (“PCP”) for the first phase and the Applicant will select the products to be installed. 

    2. Within six months, the first phase of an LCP will be installed. 

  10. Upon completion of any phase of the conversion process, the ERC will present a Final Conversion Plan (FCP) for that phase with fully-updated information identifying what was removed, what was installed, and the projected LCRRs to be enjoyed by the Participant. 

  11. Prior to presenting a FCP for any phase of the project, the ERC will present the PCP for the next phase. This process will continue until all currently viable ERC-provided conversion is complete. 

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