Energy Efficient
Project Design Specialists
As an energy management and design resource, DG Energy works with designers and engineers that specialize in customized EV charging (EVCS), lighting solutions and applications with a uniquely integrated portfolio of clients covering a variety of industries from cities, museums, sports venues, restaurants, offices, manufacturers to car dealerships.
Customized Solutions
For Your Needs
There is an environmentally sustainable solution for nearly every residential, commercial and industrial lighting and EVCS need, with technologies that include a variety of lighting configurations. We can provide a solution for your lighting and EVCS needs.
We’ll work with all manufacturers
to find the best lighting and EVCS solution for your project
Rebates & Grantors
We work with the utility companies and grantors to maximize the rebate
or grant for your project
Our engineers and project
managers will make sure we
meet your standards
We’ll work with you to find the best solution for your needs
Customized Solutions
Each client’s unique needs are accounted for in meeting
their lighting and EVCS needs
We work with electricians that specialize in your project